The client is an American global information technology company that develops and provides a wide variety of hardware components, software, and related services to consumers, small and medium-sized businesses and large enterprises. The client’s services unit offers IT and business process outsourcing, application development, consulting, systems integration, and other technology services. The company generates software sales through enterprise IT management, Big Data, and security applications.
Business need
The client wanted to establish a presence at conferences in the Open Source technology realm. They sought after a technical and creative team to help them showcase their work with Open Source technologies. They needed a team that was accustomed to Open Source work, especially with technologies such as MongoDB, Node.js, Redis, etc.
Additionally, this feature needed to be conveyable and adhere to an audience of developers, IT architectures, IT managers, sales managers at conferences and business partners.
In order to create such an impact with business partners and conferences, Akvelon implemented the client’s Interactive Darts project. The Interactive Darts Project was designed as a game to get people involved answering trivia questions about Open Source technologies, and the client’s involvement with it.
To start the game, users are authenticated with their conference badge, which also allows for lead generation and networking. The Interactive Darts game consists of three rounds. During every round, the user throws their dart three times, and is asked a question with every dart. The user gives an answer to the quiz question using Kinect moves.
The results of the game can be sent to their Twitter, and the overall results of are shown in a global leaderboard.
Technologies Used
• Android
• Raspberry PI
• Open Source Technologies: Redis, MongoDB, Arduino, Node.js, RabbitMQ
• Twitter API
• Kinect
The Interactive Dart Game was a success, and will be used for business partners, conferences and senior management. The client is working on more installations, tuning and distributing open source projects into the interactive game so the game never tires.