Case Studies

Case Study: Akvelon AllWiki

Business Need

During the development of B2C software, developers already have their own internal wiki. They may even have up to three versions of their wiki site: an internal version, a web-based version, and a mobile application version to increase their presence. However, this becomes complicated when changes are made to one version but not the others.


Cooperation with Logic 20/20 & Akvelon

Akvelon developed an application that can export developers existing wiki site, and build a ready-to-publish wiki mobile application.

The app’s main features include:
•Offline access to all articles
•Optimized mobile user experience
•Cash mode for images
•Ability to play video games while online
•“Visit Website” feature for link mobile application with source web site
•Store user’s favorite articles
•Provide a list with the most popular articles
•“Go to Random Article” feature
•Provide two ways of search: by text along article context & by article and category name
•User settings: change font size, theme (light and dark), rate app
•Quick performance
•Add edit WIKI content
•Branding support


Technologies Used

OS: Android, IOS, Windows Phone

Back end:
 Microsoft .Net
 Apache Cordova / PhoneGap

Front end:
 Native Javascript, AngularJS

Client wiki should support Media API