Case Studies

Case Study: Pet Hotel Application

Business Need

A popular pet hotel needed a way to connect with their customers and increase engagement and awareness. The client wanted an application that would make booking easier, allow customers to keep in touch with their pets, and drive traffic to their  business.


Our team of specialists:

  • Developed functionality to book reservations at any one of the client’s hotels nationwide
  • Created functionality for “grooming appointment” requests
  • Deployed app and tests using modern MS AppCenter system for maintaining mobile apps
  • Implement A/B testing for smart marketing
  • Created UI tests on Detox platform
  • Implemented A/B testing support to randomly show different UI versions based on user profile
  • Covered all code by Unit Tests


Benefits and Results

Akvelon successfully developed a mobile application for Android and iOS platforms that followed all of the client’s requirements. The application gives to users ability to:

  1. Book a hotel for their pet using a mobile phone
  2. Hold pet information: vaccination, breed, spayed/neutered
  3. Hold reservation history and easy rebooking


Client benefits:

  1. The customer can modernize application and testing and easily modify and maintain code using AppCenter.
  2. Using A/B testing customer can evaluate design ideas based on actual user engagement
  3. App fully covered with UI tests
  4. Application available for iOS and Android platforms
  5. Akvelon proposed client additional application improvements to make application modern and increase client profit


Technology Used

React Native, Redux, Native Base, Type Script, CodePush, Detox, Figma