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Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics CRM – CRM Mobile Express

Business Need

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, there has been a demand for a customized web-management system to successfully run entities. This interface will need to be designed as an extension of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. To meet increasing demand, Akvelon has created CRM Mobile Express to perform on any web browser and/or mobile platform.


CRM Mobile Express is a web application specifically designed to run on devices with low screen resolution and on web browsers with limited HTML or ECMA Script/JavaScript support.

Our solution provides definitive functionality:

  • Real-time access to customer information
  • Multiple service functionalities (sales, marketing, and customer service)
  • Compatibility with any web-enabled device
  • Multiple language support

Entity management:

  • Create new instances and edit existing ones
  • Search entities by specific parameters
  • Customize entities to be displayed/managed
  • Customize entities’ attributes to be displayed/managed

Products and Technologies Used

Software and Hardware: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Mobile phones and their emulators (Android, G1, iPhone, Windows Mobile 5/6, Symbian S60, Palm OS (Blazer browser), BlackBerry (v. 4.1) browser)

Technologies:  C# 2.0, JavaScript, ASP.NET 2.0.


Akvelon applied its best practices for the solution design and implementation:

  • In-depth analysis of the business need and existing technologies
  • Road-map arrangement: initial design, functionality, milestones, specifications, and estimations
  • Software design and development
  • Demonstration on Microsoft sites
  • System deployment: testing, local demonstration, and solution feedback providing improvements to resolve additional queries
  • Complete necessary documentation and solution deployment

Projected Benefits and Results

  • Improved productivity through customized entity management, simple administration, multiple language support, and flexible functionality.
  • Increased convenience using a familiar interface (similar to Microsoft Dynamics CRM), easy navigation, no installation required, and simple configuration using Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Increased efficiency with streamlined access to customer information from any web-enabled device (with any HTML 4.0-compatible mobile browser) at any location.