Business Need
Our client is a well-known technology company whose developers created a management system for releasing and deploying software to the Cloud in an automated, secure, and compliant way
The system was developed with active participation of Akvelon team in collaboration with the client’s engineers. The product focuses on software deploy technologies and works as orchestrator over many deploy services.
Akvelon employees have continuously been working on new features for the management system product optimizing existing algorithms and improving performance to make interactions faster and reliable. A key feature of the management systemt is UI for authoring end-to-end release specifications, automated execution of the release specification, automated deployment batching, convenient access model and notifications.
The management system is based on Cloud services and file transfer service between corpnet and public/ sovereign clouds. The Cloud service is a collection of services and libraries that provide abstractions over storage and DFS file shares and enable data transfer scenarios focused on engineering pipeline needs: managing builds outputs for long term retention & replication for the purpose of deployment or other use cases.
Benefits and Results
The project was successfully integrated and actively used by several hundreds of development teams inside the client’s company for deployment of various Cloud services to many data centers across the Globe.
Technology Used
.NET Core, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Service Fabric, Azure DevOps Services, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS