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Microsoft Build 2015

Microsoft’s Biggest Event

San Francisco, CA – The Build Developer Conference is Microsoft’s biggest event of the year – this is the conference where Microsoft announces the latest products, technologies and tools for developers.

Build will cover all Microsoft Platforms – expect rich new content and information on Windows, Azure, Office 365 and more. Developers will receive deep training, allowing them to take advantage of the incredible advances in our platforms, including Windows 10, and providing access to over 1.5 billion devices.

Akvelon is proud to be a part of this event, as we have helped Microsoft deliver many of the technologies and tools demonstrated there, including:

  1. Docker

Day One Keynote

3-618 The Next Generation of Azure Compute Platform with Mark Russinovich

2-704 Windows Containers: What, Why and How

2-683 Thinking in Containers: Building a Scalable, Next-Gen Application with Docker on Azure

  1. Apache Cordova/Phonegap

Day One Keynote

2-627 Strategies for Developing Cross-Platform Applications with Visual Studio 2015

2-706 Getting Started with Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Apache Cordova

3-756 Getting Great Performance Out of Cordova Apps

2-665 Hosted Web Apps and Web Platform Innovations

2-720 JavaScript Frameworks in Your Apps and Sites from WinJS and Beyond

  1. Azure AD and Office 365

2-769 Develop Modern Native Applications with Azure Active Directory

3-722 iOS and Android Apps with Office 365

2-655 Overview of Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Office 365

  1. AllJoyn and Connect the Dots

2-652 Internet of Things Overview

2-623 AllJoyn: Building Universal Windows Apps that Discover, Connect, and Interact with Other Devices and Cloud Services Using AllJoyn

2-724 Windows for Makers- Raspberry Pi 2, Arduino and More, LG Building Consumer and Enterprise Device Solutions with Windows 10 IoT

  1. New HTTP/2 protocol

3-88 HTTP/2 in Windows 10: Browser, Apps and Web Server


Missed Microsoft’s Build developer conference? Don’t worry – all sessions are available on Channel9.

At present time our team is participating worldwide //build TOUR, next stop is DevCon 2015, were we will share our expertise in cross platform app development and Internet of Things. Come and join us.