Case Studies

Case Study: Akvelon Intelligent Assistant

Business Need

After a survey from our peers showed a need for office organization, our team created the Akvelon Intelligent Assistant. The AIA helps employees solve common office problems using a friendly interface. This system can help with:

1.Easy room booking using MS Outlook

2.Smart logging time in Jira

3.Communication between colleagues

4.Common office issues (low supplies, burned out light bulbs, etc.)


We created back-end services to communicate with MS Outlook and Jira. Our team developed a token custom system for authorization, which stores all authentication data on the user’s smartphone. The AIA has a friendly design and a smart UI flows to help solve common problems in the most efficient way.

Benefits and Results

Application provides users ability to:

  1. Receive information about colleagues
  2. Create, move, or cancel meetings from mobile app
  3. Smart log time in Jira for current active projects
  4. Create tickets for office managers and admins


Technology Used

ASP .NET Core, React Native, Native Base, Type Script