Case Studies

Case Study: Captus Corporate Information Integration


Captus Solutions, Inc. is a technology consultation company that specializes in business solutions. Their company is proficient in application integration and development, technology consulting, and business strategies.


Business Need

Captus Solutions, Inc. was looking to improve information access within their client company and consequently improve employee productivity. There were several portal Intranet systems on the market, but only few portal designs were optimal just out-of-the-box. As a result, we offered our client a custom solution based on the Microsoft SharePoint Intranet portal.


Akvelon’s solution provided Captus Solutions, Inc. with an entry point into a powerful and collaborative environment. In order to develop this customized solution for the client, Akvelon leveraged Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003, ASP.NET 1.1, NET Framework 1.1, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Our solution meets the client’s informational needs with the following:

  • Knowledge base sharing
  • Document libraries creation
  • Document libraries management
  • Security-enabled portal functionality
  • Custom forms implemented with access policies
  • Customized web controls



Akvelon, Inc. 1+(206) 905-4626 Bellevue, WA

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