Business need
Our client, a well-known knowledge technology platform, wished to integrate the industry-leading visual analytics tool, Power BI, with their own platform. They wanted to develop this integration because they desired to:
-Accelerate their platform adoption by supporting existing/new customers and partners
-Reduce or eliminate the need for custom UI for client applications
-Obtain faster Knowledge app development
Akvelon designed and developed a Power BI custom visual from scratch using the latest features of Power BI. Initially, Akvelon developed a custom Power BI Data Connector on Power BI Desktop to connect to the client’s projects using Query M language and then, using TypeScript, implemented custom visual containing 4 main modules. Our team developed a set of integration tests to provide full test coverage. Custom visual modules that were tested by functional tests set using Power BI Web with remote debugging of TypeScript code.
Benefits and Results
Akvelon successfully delivered custom visuals on time for the client, providing additional support by answering detailed technical questions, and our team also provided a demo.
Client benefits:
- The custom visual was delivered on time
- Technical documentation covering all visual features was created and delivered
- An authentication module for secure connection was given to the client
- “Namespace picker” component for managing kind’s (objects) namespaces (navigate, create, delete) was delivered
- “Jobs” component for working with all platform jobs (read, cancel) was delivered
- “Kind” editor for showing kind entity in .json format (read, edit) was delivered
Technology Used
Power BI Web, Power BI Desktop, Query M, TypeScript