Case Studies

Case Study: BrokerScan


BrokerScan is a software development company that offers high value and easy to use technical business solutions. The company has management expertise in developing web and database applications and creating custom business and technical solutions.

Business Need

The client was seeking additional features and improvements for the Alpha release of its Retail Audit Solution. The software was created to track warehouse items utilizing Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to scan barcodes and synchronize data through a wireless connection.


Barcode scanning, BrokerScan case study


Akvelon implemented new functionality, making critical improvements to the BrokerScan software such as:

  • Scan function to quickly scan and capture item-related information, including:
    • Set size
    • Shelf price and placement
    • Number of facings
    • Information about competitor SKUs
  • Sync function to synchronize PDAs with the BrokerScan server
  • Report function for instant access to any data from the distribution report library, including:
    • Actual store by store distribution as compared to the Master and Retailer Authorized Lists
    • Distribution Progression ( gain vs. loss in distribution since the last audit)
    • Dates and stores recent audits o Price comparison reports (minimum and maximum prices)
    • Competitive brand report
  • Data security function to protect and secure data through SSL connections and password protection. Data is centralized and secured by automatic daily server backups.


Benefits and Results

Improved Employee Performance
The user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features help sales personnel access key data and information more effectively.

Improved Data Security
Mobile devices synchronize with the server requiring a personal login name and password.

Increased Convenience
Their PDA tracking system, together with a wireless system, is used to obtain, update, and synchronize itemized data remotely. Distribution data can be accessed instantly at any portable or desktop device through the libraries.

Increased efficiency for preparing reports
Reports can be created on demand, saving days or weeks compared to the traditional way. This dynamic system allows making instant report updates and distribution changes.